Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Since so many friends are indicating they're feeling tense/off today...

Huh, I was just assuming I was having another panic attack this morning. I'm jittering like I've had too much coffee.

Since so many people are having the same feeling, I decided to look it up. Of course, this will sound nutty for anyone who doesn't believe in astrology, but here is my interpretation:

Saturn is in the sign of Virgo, in conjunction with Chiron which is in the sign of Aquarius. The sun sign of the day is Libra.

Libra's influence on the day is trying to bring about balance, but without upsetting the things already in place around us. Unfortunately, Saturn/Virgo and Chiron/Aquarius are forces full of change and action. This is probably causing all of us to feel internal stress as our spirits try to reconcile this effect.

Saturn/Virgo: Saturn reveals our own limitations, fears, and sense of responsibility. Virgo wants to be helpful, and is frequently analyzing things, looking for ways to make things better. These two, together, cause internal struggle. Virgo is telling us "Fix it!" and Saturn is telling us "Should you fix it? Is it your place to fix it?"

Chiron/Aquarius: Chiron influences the part of ourselves that sympathizes with situations of trial and error, or knowledge from experience. Chiron wants to heal or prevent the wounds caused by something we have been through before. The humanitarian, opinionated and idealistic nature of Aquarius makes us feel strongly that we have the answers to fix the problems.

So, in summary:

Those who have recognized problems in their lives, or in loved ones lives, are probably fretting about them. You may feel like you know the answers, how to fix it, possibly because you've been through the same thing yourself. However, you feel conflicted, because you're not sure if you should act upon those feelings. You may feel like you don't have the authority to do so, or that the situation requires professional help.

Those who haven't had any major problems are probably feeling nervous, like they are anticipating something bad is about to happen. Probably, you feel like you should know what is coming. That you don't makes you feel even more tense, because you want to prepare for what seems inevitable, but without the knowledge of what might happen, there's nothing you can do.

Overall, Libra is demanding balance, while the other influences are saying things are or will be off-balance. But Saturn is amplifying the part of Libra that's afraid to rock the boat. You want to do something, but you feel like you can't or shouldn't.


  1. Boy, did I have a doozy of a day yesterday! Unfortunately, the tension built up until it exploded in a fantastic display of emotional fireworks. It sucked monkey balls...big, sweaty, syphilitic monkey balls.

  2. Just for the record, I like astrology.


  3. I wouldn't say it sounds nutty, but people like me who don't believe in astrology, supernatural phenomena, etc. do wonder what "influence" means. To be clear; I'm asking in all seriousness, and am in no way trying to be condescending. By what mechanism do planets and stars assert their "influence"?

  4. I guess "influence" isn't quite the right word. It's just the simplest way to word what I think is really going on with astrology.

    Of course, I can never seem to explain myself in short comments, lol. I will never be a Tweeter. My response is in my newest post, since it went so long.
