Monday, July 26, 2010

My process for Energy Healing

1. Ground and center.

2. Use "Sight"/Visualization to read the aura and pinpoint the center of the problem.

3. Use energy and visualization to brush the bad energy into an energy "black hole." Hand gestures help, let's the person you are working on see you doing something.

4. Combine with massage for pain or sinus pressure.

5. Visualize healing energy encompassing and sinking into the muscle and tissue where the pain is originating. Green isn't always the most effective color. I find yellow to be good for tension headaches or pain from depression. Blue is good for pain from hot pains like muscle cramps, fever headaches or headaches brought on by high emotion/racing heart/high blood pressure.

6. If needed, visualize sinus pressure draining, a fever "thermostat" being set so that it can't go above a safe range, a "black hole" sucking up congestion in the lungs, a "valve" controlling the flow of stomach acid being turned down. Anything that works for you, to symbolize the problem being corrected. I also tell the person I am working on what I am visualizing. Then they are visualizing, too. I suggest that they can visualize that themselves if they feel symptoms returning.

7. Establish a link from the free floating energy around us going directly to the person being worked on. Visualize it as a kind of power cord supplying energy to the processes you started, and picture those processes continuing without you, after you stop healing directly.

8. Visualize the "black hole" continuing to siphon up the bad energy.

9. Make sure to imprint upon all of this that it should fade away when it is no longer needed. The "power cord" should unplug and wind back up. The "black hole" should seal shut. Body processes that you may have "adjusted," like that stomach acid "valve," should return to autopilot. Don't leave anything going without a final instruction to end when the problem is gone, or if the process you established is causing harm instead of good.

10. When you're all done working on your "patient," scan yourself. Make sure you're no longer "linked" to them. It seems to me that energy is sticky, like static cling. You want to make sure that nothing that doesn't belong is "stuck" to you. Shake off any bad energy clinging to you. Use your own "black hole" or cosmic vacuum cleaner to suck up that bad energy.

11. Ground and center again.

1 comment:

  1. In spite of being ostensibly non-magical, I have done the odd bit of healing. I use a variation of a process that was described to me by one of my Anthropology professors, who in turn observed it in use among some of the indigenous peoples of Nicaragua. I have statistically significant levels of success with it, which really threatens my carefully cultivated skepticism sometimes.

    Unfortunately, I'm fairly certain that what I do is not at all safe for me (assuming, of course, that there is anything to it). There are risks that I take to avoid alarming my "patients," who usually are much more, shall we say, orthodox in their beliefs.
