Here are a few things I learned when I used to do Psychic Readings. Be warned, I have a rather clinical view of magick. For some, reading this will be akin to watching the shows that show you haw stage magic tricks are done. Stop reading now if that kind of thing bugs you.
When I did readings, the majority of what I read came from things the person I was reading already knew. The person I was reading for often already knew the answer to their own question, but had willfully or subconsciously blocked that info from their mind. There was a lot of psychology involved.
Palm and aura readings would help to ease the way, so to speak. I often had to start by "wowing" them with things they consciously knew about themselves, but I would not know if not for what I picked up from their aura or palm. This helped reduce nervousness and skepticism. It was like someone opened the curtains or blew away the fog surrounding them. From there, the tarot would help clue me in to the parts of themselves they couldn't or wouldn't see.
Actually predicting future events depended a lot on what question they were asking, or if it was an open ended reading, where they were in their lives at that moment. I believe firmly that our futures are mutable, subject to change depending on the choices we make. If the person I was reading hadn't made any firm choices yet, it was hard to give solid answers as to what was coming up. I would be tell them that, and offer them advice as to how to get closer to their goals. If I was lucky, I would be able to see where their spirits wanted them to go, and point them in the best direction. Of course, this often wasn't what they wanted to hear, but I would rather be honest. This usually happened when the querent asked one of the generic trinity; Love, Money, or Job. Those people often had made no real strides towards how to get those things for themselves, or had just lost those things and were desperate to find some way to get them back. Too many options lay in front of them, or they wanted a specific answer so badly that a true answer had no chance of coming through.
Dream Analysis and non-specific tarot readings gave me the best chance to tell them about their future. A dream so intense someone wanted it analyzed came from things that had a major influence on the person, or was about to be a major influence. A non-specific tarot reading allowed the subconscious to influence the cards. The subconscious could tell me not only about what was hiding within the querent, but about any outside energies exerting their influence. Thoughts and intentions are as much an impetus of energy as any full-blown spell.
A good way to explain it is that a Reader is like a psychic translator. Some readers are more fluent than others. However, no reader can translate if the words being said aren't clear, or there is a wall in the way. It's hard to hear what the subconscious is saying, if other peoples' subconsciousnesses are talking in the same room. It's also hard to translate if the Reader's subconscious can't focus. Their personal static is interfering with reception.
So, if you go to a psychic and they seem totally clueless, take this in mind before deciding if they're scam artists. There are plenty of them out there, of course, but not all. A good psychic won't take your money if they're giving an inaccurate reading. Be honest with yourself and the Reader. Let them know if they're getting it wrong, or if you're feeling skeptical or uncomfortable. You may find that giving them a fresh start and/or suspending your disbelief will make a major change in how well your reading is going.
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