Monday, September 26, 2011

The Principal's response to my email.

Good Day Mrs. Gessener,

I, along with others received your email last evening and  certainly wanted to respond.  While I understand your frustration, I am at a loss as to why the mass email was necessary. 

You are correct in saying that schools are underfunded.  I think that is quite evident at this time as the school system seems to be in the media spotlight almost daily concerning the budget.  When you state that since 2009-2010  “ you have been bombarded with a nearly endless cycle of fundraisers”, I take issue with this.  Every single fundraiser that we hold at PGE must be preapproved through our county. This is a matter of record.    We are only allowed 2 fundraisers in which children actually sell items.  We have gotten away from the “catalog” sales due to the lack of quality of the products and the prizes as well. We do participate in the Sonic Night and Pizza Hut Night.  These are spirit nights and we receive a percentage of the profits for these events.  Again, in reality very few families participate, and there is no pressure to do so.  There are a few inaccuracies in the information you have forwarded and these relate to individual projects such as the one for art.  The inaccuracies are actually irrelevant to the general message you are sending.

I wish that schools were fully funded to operate efficiently.  Did you know that we as a school pay for our copier lease yearly?  This lease along with the cost of some paper runs around $12,000 per year….strictly from school generated funds.  Did you know that our full time computer teacher is paid strictly though school generated funds….no county money and this runs about $12, 000 per year.  These are just two examples of what our school works to provide here at PGE.  The vast amount of fundraising money that we earn is given back to our children.  The basketball court with the nice concrete slab, two quality goals and the fence cost around $11,000 …strictly through school generated funds.  Every child at PGE enjoys this nice court.  We purchase Accelerated Reader for our school  through library funds.  We had donated through the generosity of Dillard's Mulch and More playground mulch.  Had they not made this donation, we would have been out around $1,800 to keep the level of mulch within the guidelines of Risk Management. 

As to the fundraising at the local school level this is something that we truly wish we did not have to do.  We realize at the elementary age that the brunt of any fundraising in which we participate lies with the families of our children.  We do not encourage door to door sales of any type for our children.   Children are encouraged to do their best, but there is never any pressure or embarrassment for any child who does not participate.  In fact when reward parties are given for students who may meet the goals set, ALL students are rewarded.  We always make sure that students who do not participate are involved in some way with the reward. 

Have you seen our library?   While the library may be beautiful the shelves are not even half full. The startup money for the opening of PGE went only so far for the purchase of books.  The majority of the shelves remain empty until we can raise the money as a school for the purchase of books and other media sources. We invite authors and storytellers to visit our school each year.  Along with our Title program, money to pay for these guests comes from school generated funds.  So I hope you can see that we give back to our children through the fundraisers.

How you discuss fundraisers with your child is most certainly your parental decision.  How you address fundraising will determine how your child handles it.  You as well as all other families are in no way pressured  to participate.  It is all voluntary.  We don’t set children up for disappointment. We are encouraging and positive.  We are kind and considerate. I am sorry that your child is made to feel inadequate about fundraising but rest assured that does not come from school. 

If you have any further concerns or questions, please feel free to contact me at anytime.  I am always pleased to speak with parent.

Theresa Levatino, Principal

Sumner County Schools:  Preparing Graduates, Engaging Minds, Developing Character

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."  Phil. 4:13

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