There is no scientific proof that there is any correlation between a man's racial characteristics, and his capability or character.
In all racial groups we find the same range of potentialities. We find idiots, and geniuses. We find criminals, and philanthropists. We must judge each man as an individual, and not by the color of his skin, or his eyes, or by the length of his nose.
The people wondered, “How did this happen?” It happened when people allowed themselves to be divided, pitted against one another. Together they could have been strong. But once they allowed themselves to be split apart, they were helpless. If they had stood together, protected one another, they could have stopped it. When that first minority lost out, everybody lost out.
We must never let that happen to us and to our country. We must never let ourselves be divided by race or color or religion. Because in this country, we all belong to minority groups. Your right to belong to your minorities is a precious thing. You have the right to be what you are, and say what you think. Because here, we have personal freedom. We have liberty, and these are not just fancy words. This is a practical and priceless way of living. We must guard EVERYONE'S liberties, or we could lose our own. If we allow any minority to lose it's freedom by persecution or by prejudice we are threatening our own freedom.
This is not simply an ideal. This is good, hard, common sense. In America, it is not simply a question of whether we tolerate minorities. America IS minorities, and that means you, and me.
So let's not be suckers. We must not allow the freedom or dignity of any man to be threatened by any act, or word. Let's be selfish about it. Let's forget about “We” and “They.” Let's think about “Us.”
No matter what your feelings are about the current state of things in America, I hope you see the truth in this. Whatever your beliefs on what the Founding Fathers truly wanted, stripped to the essentials, this is what our country is supposed to stand for! People come to this country because it's supposed to be an enlightened haven for those who are persecuted in their own countries. America was created by people who were tired of being treated like criminals because they didn't agree with the government. People immigrate here for many diverse reasons. For some, it was religious persecution. One brand of Christianity against another. For some, it was because their race, ethnicity, or heritage was facing genocide. For some, it was just the promise of a better life for themselves or their families.
As was stated in the video, we are all minorities. Look at your own roots. Were your ancestors Jewish refugees for the Holocaust? Maybe you descend from people who were here before the founding of America. Or maybe you're the decendent of a group that didn't obtain their freedom until after they got here, and had to fight for it.
America is a melting pot of minorities. We're supposed to be proud of this. Don't we still, to this day, identify ourselves by our ethnic or religious group? We're Irish-Americans, African-Americans, Native Americans. We're Jewish, Christian, Pagan, Atheist. Our fore-fathers came here because they were tired of seeing their families starve, or because they were tired of having to hide how they worshiped God, for fear of being ejected from their country, or facing death. They were tired of working from sun up to sun down, only to see the product of their labors dwindle due to oppressive taxes. The Founding Fathers thought it was wrong that people faced exile or execution because they said the government was wrong.
Our country isn't perfect, of course, but that's why the Founding Fathers constructed the government the way they did. Maybe some of them didn't believe that some people or religions deserved to have the freedoms they fought for and have today. What can't be denied is that they believed the people of America had the right to choose that for themselves, and that things should change as time changes. They believed that true patriotism in America involved giving people the right to tell their government "This is wrong!"
How is it that in this day and age, we STILL haven't learned the lessons we've be taught, time and time again? Once upon a time, slaves had to fight to be recognized as human beings who deserved the same rights as everyone else. Women had to fight to be seen as equal to men. People with Aids had to speak out against the misinformation that made people shun them, to prove that their very presence was going to infect others.
It wasn't all that long ago that a generation took a stand against a war they perceived as wrong. How is it that people from that generation are now calling some of us unpatriotic, for saying that today's war is wrong? How can any true American feel ok with saying it's unpatriotic to disagree with how our country is being run?
There's one line I truly despise. "If you don't like it, leave." No! That's not what this country is about! Yes, leaving is an option, but that's not the only option. We have the right to say "If we don't like it, change it." We have the right to get together with like minded individuals and, if we have a majority, demand change.
In truth, we don't have to LIKE everything or everyone in our country. We don't have to agree with anyone's beliefs or lifestyle. However, we should respect everyone's right to make that decision for themselves. What one is or does is not for anyone to persecute. The only time a person should face a loss of freedom is when their personal actions cause serious harm. Hurt feelings don't count. I might not like when people stereotype SAHMs and food service workers. That's not a crime, however. I can try to change their mind, but only if they are receptive to listening. If they don't want to hear it, then that's my cue to butt out.
If you don't like anyone with black skin, well that's your prerogative. Stay away from them, and talk among like minded people about how you don't like them, if that's your wish. You don't have the right, though, to cross the line and attack black people. You can have a difference of opinion, even if you're wrong.
Same goes for your opinions on religion. You may believe someone's going to hell, because they don't believe in God. You can tell them that, if they're willing to listen. The conversation ends, however, when the person you're talking to says they don't want to hear what you have to say.
A person's lifestyle should not be a crime, either. Being Gay doesn't hurt anyone. You may not agree with it,, morally, but that is a personal choice. If you don't like it, don't be Gay. You can even tell your kids you don't think it's ok to be Gay. However, once they are adults, they gain the right to decide whether they agree with that, for themselves. Your right to make the rules ends at the door to another adult's personal life.
Also, a Gay marriage doesn't harm your marriage. A religion has the right to decree whether they'll sanctify a union. On the legal level, though, a union between people who love each other is no one's business but their own. Your moral beliefs should not dictate what is legal and not legal.
*sigh* Another long rant from me. Maybe I'm just preaching to the choir. Of course, it's my right as an American to say this. I even have the right to invite you to read this. I don't have the right to force you to read this, however, or the right to make you agree with me. Then again, if you didn't want to read this, you would have stopped long before you got to here.