Thursday, August 19, 2010

How I stopped using the guidebook with my tarot cards, and an example of how I use them.

I hated trying to memorize the tarot card meanings. It was such a pain flipping through that little book whenever I went to do a reading. Then I had, well, an epiphany, I guess. Here's the method I use. It's worked perfectly for me.

First, we look at the attributes of the different suits. For wands, I interpret things involving learning, knowledge or understanding. Cups usually indicate strong emotions, such as passion, love, sorrow, desire, longing, etc.. Feelings of anger may be interpreted, usually when cups appear along with swords. Swords isn't always an indication of anger or hate. Sometimes it's just an indication of decisive action, fighting for an ideal, righting a wrong, or the need to do such things. Pentacles refers to physical needs or objects. Maybe the person needs money, or a house. It may also indicate an object that is central to the issue, like a family feud over some memento of a deceased loved one.

The major arcana are usually self explanatory. The card name may ring true to the situation, or some aspect of the picture on the card will spark a thought.

Now, here's how I figured out the minor arcana. It involves imagining the cards mirroring the evolution of a plant, from seed to flower, and back to seed. First, we break the cards 1-9 down into 3 sets of 3. 1-3 are the seed stage.

      1. Fresh, unplanted seed. There is potential, but nothing more than that.

      2. Newly planted seed. The decision to act is made.

      3. Seed has germinated. Things are in their first stages of action. Preliminary steps taken.

Cards 4-6 are the growing stage.

      1. The plant breaks to the surface. Perceptive people, or people close to you, begin to see signs.

      2. The plant grows beyond it's seed leaves. New roots spread from the tap root. The situation is becoming more defined, things aren't as shaky.

      3. The plant is well grown, roots are strong. All of the preliminaries are finished. It will be very difficult to go back now, and there will be big ramifications.

Cards 7-9 are the flowering stage.

      1. The bud is formed. Anticipation is heightened. Results may be on the way, but it's yet to be seen. Waiting for what you want.

      2. The bud is blossoming, but not fully unfurled. Now is the time when we see what has been growing. Is the flower like a beautiful rose bud, or are there signs of disease or bugs? Is it the flower you wanted, a pleasant surprise, or an ugly weed?

      3. The flower is on full display. Are you happy with what has grown?

The face cards are the seeding stage. Some decks have 3 royals, some have 4. Mine has 4, so I'll describe it that way.

  • Princess. The seed pod is swelling. Fertilization is successful. Things show signs of possibly growing into something more, spreading out.

  • Prince. The seeds are maturing. Which ones will become viable? Analyze the potential to move onward from here. Educate yourself, and prepare for the future.

  • Queen. The seeds are full formed, but not ready to be freed from the pod. You have plans, but don't jump in just yet. Go over everything one last time. Make sure you haven't missed anything. Make sure all is fully formed.

  • King. The seed pod is dry, the seeds ready for harvest. Time to choose which are good and which are bad. Time to choose when and where to plant.

So, let's look at a classic spread, and read it with my method.

I'm going to do an open ended reading for basic guidance. I choose my Significator card. I chose The Moon, as I'm currently swinging rapidly between manic and depressed, and feeling rather stressed.

Next I shuffle the cards. I usually do things so the cards are always upright. I feel there is enough variety in the cards for them to express themselves without reverses. Sometimes some cards still end up reversed, which I figure means that they REALLY needed to use a reverse meaning. If while shuffling some cards fall out of the deck, I set them to the side, to be read separately.

After shuffling, I cut the cards into three piles, face down, from right to left, using my right hand. Reverse hands if you are a lefty. I then gather the cards back up, starting with the middle, then right, then left.

Now I fan out the cards, close my eyes, and concentrate on what I need to know. I let my hands hover back and forth over the cards, feeling for the ones that “call to me.” I grab up one at a time, until I have ten, and stack them face down.

Then I make my spread. One vertical on the significator, one horizontal on the significator, one above, one below, one to the right, one to the left, and then the last four to the far right, in a column from bottom to top.

Now we read.

  1. Basic self. What is important to know about the me of right now? I flip The Seeker. I read this to mean that I am feeling rather empty, alone, in need of something to make me feel fulfilled. A rather easy interpretation, since I'm reading myself. I have a bunch of books I want to write and arts and crafts I want to sell. Everyday life right now isn't very conductive to these pursuits.

  1. Obstacles. What is standing in my way? This one is 6 of pentacles. Pentacles mean needs or finances. Physical objects. 6 is the final stage of the plant growth, before flowering. My cards have detailed pictures for every card. This one has men and women standing around a stone table with a mountain of fruits, vegetables and pentacles. No one seems to be looking at the bounty, or taking anything from it. I read this card to mean that, while I have been laying the foundation to get the things I want and need, I have yet to see real progress. My husband and I are in the process of eliminating some debt. We've worked hard, and made many sacrifices. I see a dual meaning here. The people aren't [partaking of the harvest. This could be prudence, or it could also mean that we aren't appreciating the other things we have around us. Not all wealth is monetary.

  2. Hopes and dreams. Princess of Swords. Swords mean action. The princess is the first stage of seeding. Things are moving in the right direction for me to get beyond my current obstacles. Now is not the time to be too hasty, or too cautious. I must keep moving forward, but with caution, because one wrong move could damage the seeds before they have a chance to become viable, and I would have to start all over.

  3. Foundation. Temperance. I have everything I need, but it's not quite time to use everything. The lion on the right could symbolize my husband, who is a Leo. The woman standing behind the cauldron holds a blue flask and a torch. The cauldron is simmering over a fire, and has the Mars/male symbol on it. There is an eagle to the right. I'm a Virgo/Earth, but I'm rather close to Libra/Air. All elements are represented. Basically, the soup is on the fire, but not ready to eat. I must give it time to cook.

  4. Past. 6 of cups. Emotions maturing, but not exposed yet. 6 is an even number. In my past, I have sought balance in my emotional life, and have often kept my feeling penned up. Bipolar sucks. I hope this indicates that I'll be moving beyond this, but I fear it means my recent bout of contained balance is reaching an end. I have to be careful when taking on projects, because I'm prone to grandiose planning. Once I get started, I go overboard. Hypomania is easily triggered by exciting new things.

  5. Future. Nine of pentacles. The image is of a heavily pregnant woman in a field of flowers. Pregnancy can't be rushed. Nine is the last phase of flowering. Everything I've worked on will eventually blossom. The woman's face looks pensive. She's gazing into the distance. A full bloomed flower doesn't always result in seeds. The signs point towards us seeing the end of this cycle, but beyond that? It's too soon to tell.

  6. The root of my answer. 5 of swords. 5 is the stage of growth where things are taking shape, but not fully formed. Swords are action. A woman in a blue dress clutches a child, while two men in red appear to guard her. They are on top of a rock pile. Two men in red stand lower on the pile, battling the two men on top. One man lies dead. Is the dead man one of the enemy, or one of the guards? Should the woman try to help defend herself? But that puts the child at risk. I feel like I should be “doing more,” but while it may seem like I am not helping myself, I am doing something important. I have two children who aren't ready to be left to their own devices. They're still at the age where they need me to take a more active hand in their lives. I guess my desires will have to wait until my children reach the age where they are breaking away from me, to learn to be their own person.

  7. The part of my answer that is visible to the rest of the world. The Fool. More signs of hunting for something, while not seeing what is already there around me. Friends and family are probably looking at my situation and wondering how I can be so blind.

  8. Goal or destiny. Death. I rarely see the Death card as truly meaning death. It is often a need for change. I need to make a clean break from old weights dragging me down, if I want to move on. My desires can't be fulfilled until our debt is less of a burden and my kids are more independent.

  9. Final outcome. Queen of pentacles. The queen is the last stage of nurturing the seed. My husband earns the money, but I'm the one who moves it where it needs to go. I am literally the queen of my family's finances. I am also the nurturer and disciplinarian of our children. My hands are full right now. It's not time yet to throw myself into the dreams I've been having. I can, however, make plans, so that I am prepared for when that day comes.

So, this reading seems pretty straightforward. I need to be patient. Things will come to me in their own time. I'm on the right path, I just need to keep the end in sight, and keep moving. One step at a time.

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